SKS Conversion/Recognition

What Kampus Merdeka programs can be converted in the IR Department?
  1. Kemdikbud's Kampus Merdeka Program consists of Certified Independent Study and Internship, Independent Student Exchange, Bangkit, Independent Entrepreneurship, Indonesian Internationality Student Mobility Awards, etc.
  2. NUNI Student Exchange Program (PMBN)
  3. Center of Excellence Program
  4. Student Exchange Between Departments within the University
  5. MOU Student Exchange
  6. International Credit Transfer (ICT)
  7. The Independent MBKM program is regulated by the IR Department
Is the internship included in the MBKM Program and can it be converted?

Yes. Internships are one of the Independent Campus programs that can be converted. Certified Internships can be converted to a maximum of 20 credits. For independent internships, please consult the Guardian Lecturer and Department.

Can a 2-month internship be converted into MBKM?

Yes. Internships with a duration of 2 months can be converted. It's just that the maximum number of credits converted cannot be 20 credits. Please consult further with the Guardian Lecturer and Department.

Is the student exchange abroad program included in the MBKM program and can it be converted?

Yes, as long as the program is included in the Mandiri MBKM program as a result of an MOU between the study program/faculty/university.

Can the Teaching Campus Program (Kampus Mengajar) be converted to a Course in the HI Study Program?

The Teaching Campus Program can only be converted to KKN (PMM) with a maximum number of 4 credits. Students continue to program KKN (PMM) during KRS and register at DPPM UMM. This program cannot be converted to a full 20 credits in the UMM HI Study Program.

Do I have to program KRS courses if I take the MBKM Program?

Courses to be converted do not need to be in the KRS program. However, students need to ensure active lecture status by programming at least 1 credit in the current semester.

What is the MBKM Program conversion procedure?

The conversion procedure can be seen in the Conversion Application Guide and Documents.

What courses can be converted?

In the 2021/MBKM Curriculum, courses that can be converted are courses that are presented only in semester V and semester VI.

With MBKM, can I improve my previous course scores which were low or failed?

Yes, it's just that the courses that can be converted are only those presented in Semester V and Semester VI for the 2021/MBKM Curriculum.



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